Thursday, September 28, 2006


I met someone at church last night from Honduras who's been in the US for 6 years. He came here to work, have a better life, and in the process he also became a stronger Christian. Mauricio plans to return to Honduras in December. One of my friends is preparing to go to Boston, to Harvard University for 2 months. She is also from Honduras, came to KC 5 years ago to get her PhD and has almost accomplished that goal. The Boston thing may be permanent or not, she will know after 2 months.

I just finished the book "Walking from East to West: God in the Shadows", by Ravi Zacharias. For those who have not heard of him, he is one of the world's best known and most respected Christian apologists. In the book he talks about his growing up in India, probably the world's most "spiritual" country in terms of the number of religions practiced there. Although he was the son of a powerful figure in the government, had tons of good friends, was good in sports, he found so little meaning in life that he tried to commit suicide. In the hospital, still weak from the poison he took, God talked to him through one verse, John 14:19: "Because I live, you also will live." In this verse he found the meaning he had been looking for, and he committed his life to the Lord in such a way that he traveled around India preaching, then to Canada, to Vietnam during the war, Cambodia, and now throughout the world.

Uncertainty is built into our lives, and as scientists are finding out, it is even built into the laws that govern our universe. Through these people and others, through the book, God is reminding me that it is only by trusting in Him that we can have confidence in our futures. My two friends may not know exactly where they will be in 2 months, but they have placed their trust in the Lord. Ravi Zacharias didn't know he would one day be addressing the leaders of the world at the United Nations, but he placed his trust in the Lord to lead his life, and that's where he ended up. The Lord asks us to surrender ALL our lives to Him, and then He will be able to direct our paths (Proverbs 3:6).

1 comment:

Scott Williams said...

Hey Sam,
When we take the mystery out of God, he is no longer God. Instead he's something we control.